There are many syracuse workout classes you can sign up for, but don’t miss out on kickboxing because of a myth you once heard!

​When it comes to fitness for women, we know they quickly fill up yoga classes and group fitness offered at gyms, but what about kickboxing?

As it turns out, women are loving kickboxing in our Syracuse gym and find that kickboxing is the perfect workout to crush their fitness goals! To learn more about what may be holding you back, take a moment and explore the common myths when it comes to kickboxing in today’s post.

Want to try one of our kickboxing classes?

The 4 Myths Of Kickboxing

Going to any fitness class can be intimidating but it can be even more so when it comes to classes for kickboxing. Let’s dispell some of the common kickboxing myths to help get you in the doors and loving everything it offers.

Only men are doing kickboxing.

While it’s true that martial arts are typically a male-dominated sport, kickboxing gyms have been a great place where a woman and come without intimidation and get an amazing workout. So while this may have been true in the past, women are diving into kickboxing and finding how amazing the workouts are!

Kickboxing gyms are intimidating.

For some reason or another, kickboxing gyms have gotten a cold, intimidating vibe, but this is so far from the truth! Yes, it’s always true that starting something new, especially fitness related can be scary, but once you go and figure it out the first time, everything begins to feel more comfortable the more you go — so keep going!

If you feel uncomfortable or intimidated, just ask questions — people love to help out!

Kickboxing gyms are grungy!

When you think of a boxing gym, you may recall Rocky where everything looks a little dingy, but that is far from the modern-day boxing gym.

Cleanliness and hygiene is a pillar at most gyms, and any good gym manager will ensure that their place is well taken care of to not only keep their current clients, but attract new ones!

If you ever have an issue, let them know, and likely this concern can be solved right away!

A kickboxing workout is only fighters.

When you attend a kickboxing class, you’ll quickly learn that a majority of the people in the class are there for fitness, and not necessarily training to fight! Kickboxing has quickly become an excellent workout that is a great all-around workout that has it all — cardio and muscle building!

Kickboxing is for everyone!

To learn more about our kickboxing classes in Syracuse, connect with us today!





628 S Main Street
North Syracuse, NY 13212


3504 W Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13219