When people are concerned with their cholesterol, changing their diet is often the number one prescribed tactic to reducing their LDL cholesterol levels. While diet plays a very important role in lowering LDL cholesterol and getting healthy, exercise can play an important role too. If you’re looking for ways to improve your overall health, kickboxing is a fun way to get in the exercise you need. To try a kickboxing class in Syracuse, Burn Kickboxing is the place to be! Continue reading to learn some of the best ways to use exercise to lower your LDL cholesterol.

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Exercises To Try To Lower Cholesterol

Aerobic Exercise
Moderate to vigorous intensity workouts are not only good for your heart, but they’re good for your overall health. They will help to improve your cardiovascular system and help you to lose weight. Aerobic exercise is recommended for most adults to do five days a week, 30 minutes per day.

Full-Body Exercise
Workouts that require that you use the strength of your whole body are the best for building muscles and burning fat. Resistance workouts can be performed less frequently at two to three recommended days per week.

Stretching Exercises
Stretching is an important part of working out in order to improve flexibility and the ability to move more freely overall.

The good news about kickboxing is that it consists of all of the aforementioned exercises that can help you to lose weight and lower cholesterol. When people couple eating well with exercise, they usually see more significant results when it comes to seeing their LDL cholesterol lowered. You can read more about how diet and exercise together are a powerful way to lower cholesterol by reading about the study conducted by Stanford University.

To try a kickboxing class in Syracuse, and to take steps towards an overall healthier life, come to Burn Kickboxing today to try one of our fitness kickboxing classes.





628 S Main Street
North Syracuse, NY 13212


3504 W Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13219